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The Dangers of Malware

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

Credit: Unsplash

Using the internet and having an online presence comes with many benefits, however there are also many risks that you should be aware of in order to adequately protect yourself and your information. Although most people are aware of some of these risks, such as credit card fraud and computer viruses, there are some other major risks that plague many corners of the web that we find ourselves navigating on a daily basis. We will explore many of these threats in this post and a few that follow, to ensure you are aware of them and can protect yourself adequately. 


Programs and websites are able to upload code onto your computer that can be extremely threatening not only to your computers health but also to your personal data. Once malware is mistakenly installed, it can create issues that range from ads being placed on your computer, to criminal theft of your personal data. Your address, social insurance number and banking information is all at risk when these programs are installed. Not only can they access information, but they can also potentially access your computer remotely, allowing them to access things like your camera and even other devices that are connected to your computer, like your phone, via bluetooth. 


As high school students, it is important to practice safe browsing early so that you are aware of these types of programs. Always think about the links you are clicking on, and what you are downloading. Use reputable websites and sources, and never click on unrelated material, especially those that prompt you to download anything. Don’t trust pop-up windows, and consider attachments and images as potential threats, especially from unknown sources. Keeping your computer and software updated, and using antivirus software is extremely important as well. For more information on these and some other preventative measures, check out this link. We will further explore some techniques of malware in the next post, on phishing and spoofing.


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