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The Internet: Best Practices + Staying Safe

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

Although the creation of federal privacy laws are a step in the right direction, government policy is no match for the current rate of technological advance.

Credit: Unsplash

The internet can be a very dangerous place for your data and personal information. Companies like facebook (who we share enormous amount of personal data to), don't always protect their users in the way that they should. Through data leaks such as the infamous Facebook + Cambridge Analytical scandal, professional hackers, identity thief's and more, the risk online is boundless. With that being said, it is important to know what you can do individually to protect yourself and your data online.


The following are a simple set of standard rules to follow when using the internet.

  • Choose secure passwords and use two-factor authentication When creating passwords for anything online, avoid using something that could be easily guessed ex: pets name, your names, 12345 etc. The best and most secure passwords can be created using random password generator sites such as this one. It is also good practice to enable two-factor authentication when available. This can be done through enabling text verification or connecting an authentication app such as duo mobile.

  • Be cautious of which sites you are visiting When visiting websites ensure it is secure. A secure website can be identified by having a lock icon or 'https' in the search bar before the sites url.

  • Read the terms & conditions before you check the box How many times have you agreed to terms and conditions on a website without even taking a glance? This a practice something that is almost second nature to most, and companies use this to their advantage. The next time you are prompted to agree to the terms & conditions on a website, have a read. You might be surprised at what is detailed in the fine print.

  • Educate yourself on the various privacy settings on your social platforms Most social platforms offer the ability to make your account private. This means that only your friends or followers can see what you post and whatever information you make private. If someone wants to view your account they will have to send you a request, which you can choose to either accept or ignore.

  • Use secure Wifi or use a VPN on public Wifi Anytime you connect your device to wifi it is a good idea to make sure it is a secure network. In the case that you have to use a public Wifi network you should use a VPN (virtual private network) such as NordVPN to help keep your information secure.

  • Think before you post, tweet, snap, share etc. It is easy to be impulsive and post something online without considering the possible implications. Anything that is posted online exists in cyber space forever. It has become standard for employers and university admission officers to complete an internet search of potential candidates in the application process. With that being said, it is good practice to only post something that you wouldn't mind your grandma seeing...

Credit: Unsplash


Verizon. (2019). 10 Best Practices for Internet Security. Verizon. Retrieved from


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