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Privacy & The Internet In Canada

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

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What is Personal Information?

"Personal information is data about an “identifiable individual”. It is information that on its own or combined with other pieces of data, can identify you as an individual" (Gov of Canada).

It may come as a surprise to find out just how much personal information you reveal throughout your daily routines. Personal information can be collected every time you visit a web page, sign up for a social account, or even just use google maps. Personal information can be any information about your: race, religion, age, marital status, medical employment or educational history, financial information and more (Gov). There can be serious consequences if your personal information falls in the wrong hands, so it is important to know your rights.

Privacy Regulation in Canada

There are two main federal privacy laws in Canada which are enforced by the Office of the privacy Commissioner of Canada.

  1. The Privacy Act

  2. The Personal Information Protection & Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

The Privacy Act

This act specifies how the federal government deals with personal information including how it is collected, used, and disclosed of when providing services by

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government institutions listed here (Gov of Can). For example, every time you go through security at the airport, the government collects a variety of information that identifies you as an individual. This act provides protections for the personal information that the government collects on you.

The Personal Information Protection & Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

This act sets the standard rules of how private organizations can collect, use and disclose personal information when conducting for-profit commercial activities in Canada (Gov). As young people who don't engage in majority of the government

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services regulated by the Privacy Act; PIPEDA is the act that impacts your the most. This act dictates how social sites like instagram and snapchat can use the personal information that you reveal every time you create an account, post a photo etc. Although these protections are in place, it is important to know what you can do as an individual to keep your data safe online.


Government of Canada. (2018). Summary of Privacy Laws in Canada. Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Retrieved from

Government of Canada. (2019). Privacy Act 1985. Justice Laws Website. Retrieved from


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